Category: News Feed

New STREAMliners Award for Fort Worth!!

New STREAMliners Award for Fort Worth!!

TAO receives a grant award for the low-income students in the Fort Worth area! JP Morgan Chase Bank, NA, the Trustee of the Nell V. Bailey Charitable Trust has awarded The Artist Outreach with...

Art & Objects raises over $11,000!

Art & Objects raises over $11,000!

Thanks to many supporters and sponsors, including Tailwaggers Country Inn, TAO received over $11,000 in our Art & Objects fundraiser over the weekend.  These dollars will help support our program, “Play With Your Food!”...

David M. Crowley Foundation Renews Support!

David M. Crowley Foundation Renews Support!

A BIG THANK YOU to our supporters at The David M. Crowley Foundation for their continued investment in our STREAMliners Arts-Integrated Education format. The David M. Crowley Foundation is extremely interested in innovative programs that use...

TAO receives more evidence-based results!

TAO receives more evidence-based results!

TAO and Mesquite ISD programming has expanded in many campuses with various program designs.  We are now, serving students from kindergarten through 6th grade during this school year. This expansion has occurred with much...

TAO receives awards from our partner, YMCA (Kansas City)

TAO receives awards from our partner, YMCA (Kansas City)

Executive Director, Joseph Vincelli and lead chef teaching artist were recipients of the YMCA’s prestigious “Spirit of Service” award, last week.  These awards are given to outstanding volunteers that add towards the YMCA’s mission...