TAO receives more evidence-based results!

TAO and Mesquite ISD programming has expanded in many campuses with various program designs.  We are now, serving students from kindergarten through 6th grade during this school year.

This expansion has occurred with much support from the Mesquite ISD School Board and its partnering Education Foundation, David M. Crowley Foundation, Hope Charitable Foundation, and the Lesley Foundation, and of course, a lot of hard work from the TAO staff to provide proper services and funding opportunities.  Below is a video that MISD promotes to show the public the innovative programming that is provided at their school district.

We are extremely excited as this fall’s findings are showing, yet, another form of measurement that arts-integrated academic teaching can provide many students a great opportunity to succeed at higher levels:

One of this year’s campuses targeted certain groups that were lacking in particular test scores.  This campus’ principal found that the 1st grade students who experienced TAO on a weekly basis (along with its daily online access) found that these particular students had exceptional results.  She stated that in their last testing checkpoint the students had an 83.33% passing rate with 66.67% masters (meaning that 2/3 of them received a Grade A).  In past, these percentages were much lower.  The main thing that she saw as a difference was the singing of songs from The Artist Outreach throughout the day.  These findings are significant as they support the use of ALL arts as a connector toward other subjects, especially boosting academic results and higher thinking, not just “fun” for behavioral changes.

Congratulations to our entire STREAMliners staff for their commitment this fall!


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