The STREAMliners proves to be beneficial in schools

The STREAMliners arts-integrated education programs have been in place, now, for over six years.  Here are some of our most recent results:
    Outcomes from Teaching Math through Music Practices

  • In 2017, one of the participating campuses targeted certain groups that were lacking in particular test scores.  This campus’ principal found that the 1st grade students who experienced TAO on a weekly basis (along with its daily online access) found that these particular students had exceptional results.  She stated that in their last testing checkpoint the students had an 83.33% passing rate with 66.67% masters (meaning that 2/3 of them received a Grade A), which was significantly higher than past results.  “The main thing I see differently in that classroom is the singing of the original songs from Artist Outreach throughout the day.  That teacher is also very involved when The Artist Outreach is in her classroom and we believe this makes a difference”.      (attested by Dr. Tonya Mamantov, Principal, Floyd Elementary)

Outcomes from TAO’s “Rhythmic Vocabulary” Program

  • During the 2015 – 2016 school year, TCU’s Starpoint School and The Artist Outreach collaborated on a research project that sought to demonstrate the effectiveness on fluency and reading with the constant use of our program, Rhythmic Vocabulary.  We used video and audio recordings for our testing.  Baseline data was determined by speech performance including speed, melody, rhythm, volume and articulation:  Of the 60 participating students, 97% of lower elementary demonstrated a marked improvement in the categories of speed and articulation. 


  • In 2018, we performed the same study with Mesquite ISD’s pre-K (age 4) students to show its effect as part of the superintendent’s “Read, Play, Talk” initiative:  Of the 75 participating students, 76% of them had marked improvement in their rhythm and pace of their sentences; additionally, they performed 77% better in regards to the articulation of words, especially larger words with multiple syllables.

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